Feathers, sequins, showgirl secrets…oh my!
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On Becoming Mae: An Unexpected Journey
An honest encounter of how emerging Burlesque Artist and Maison Burlesque student, Mae B. Wilde, became the provocative and ever-so-daring force of nature she is today. Discover how Mae began her journey into the Art of Tease, and what inspiring advice she has for today’s budding performers.

Less is More
Or… ”How I learned to stop worrying and love taking my bra off”. This piece by Mx Burlesque Victoria finalist and seasoned Maison Burlesque pupil, Sallie Cinnamon, reflects on how burlesque shaped her into the professional entertainer and person she is today, in the hopes to inspire the next generation of performers to also chase their dreams.

Fabulous Makers in our Community
The Maison Burlesque community is jam-packed with brilliant creatives who have not only made some gorgeous goods in their side hustles, they keep us all looking sparkly and glamourous!
Here's a list of some fabulous community members who have some epic goods to sell. Check em out and get yourselves decked out!

Get ready for your online classes - Zoom User Guide
The world has changed, and so has Maison. Get ready to dance with Maison Burlesque ONLINE! Whether you’re in Melbourne or anywhere else in the world, here’s your chance to dance with Maison Burlesque in your own living (and even in your own time!)

Getting to know… Our Trundle Bed Queens!
Burlesque can be an addictive thing... And we have some wonderful students who spend so much time dancing and shimmying and twirling their tassels here we have often turned up to work only to find them asleep amongst the sparkly costumes & feather fans...
And so in 2017, the annual "Maison Burlesque Trundle Bed" awards were born! We thought seeing as they essentially live at the studio it would be great to get to know our Trundle Bed winners a little better! So grab a tea cup (and then put some champagne in it) and check out the little chat we had with Miss Trundle Bed 2018 - Jean Jerminx and Miss Trundle Bed 2019 - Megs Akimbo!