Tech classes! They help, Go Frenchie Holiday
Maison Burlesque offers 8 different tech classes currently and sometimes it’s very hard to know where to start. The classes range from perfecting a skill to conditioning the body for dance so it’s important to know what exactly it is you want to benefit from a tech class.
Have goals? Is it to improve a skill? Is it to condition your body? Is it for wellbeing and health? Or maybe you’re trying to maintain your level of technique. These are things which you need to consider when picking a class.
I’m going to share some experiences of students, teachers, as well my own on what we have benefited from Maison’s technique classes.
When I began technique classes there were a few things I suggest to consider - one being injury or disability. Asking your doctor before signing up to any class is always advised when dealing with an injury or disability and always tell your teachers of any injury or disability concerns you may have.
In my instance it was my knees. I’ve had several knee dislocations in my time from a chronic condition which not only made me feel insecure in my dance ability but I also felt physically unable. It started because I looked back at my showcase photos and realised I couldn’t extend my knees so after consulting with my GP, I decided to sign up for Burly-Flex with Velma Vouloir and start conditioning and training my body. Not only did I achieve my goal of doing a front split, there were other benefits I received from the class which I didn’t expect to gain. I had better posture, more stamina and endurance and most importantly, I felt confident and strong. Other classes for body conditioning to check out is our new Stretch & Strengthening class with Evana De Lune, and even Fan Dance Technique (designed specifically for upper body conditioning).
(Some days were harder than others but the hard work paid off!)
When writing this blog I was interested the experiences of a teacher and performer so I asked Miss Maple Rose whom teaches Fan Technique classes here at Maison Burlesque about her experiences and this is what she shared:
“Practice always makes perfect, and that's what tech classes offer. As a teacher of one and an avid student of another, I find it's imperative to continue to train my flexibility, strength and skills needed for my craft. Not only as a performer, but as a teacher I know I need to keep up my fitness levels and push my own limits in order to do so for my students. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and we have to train both to not only wow our audiences, but stay strong, healthy, active and injury free."
Training for a particular skill such as Fan Dance Technique, Slow & Sultry, Strip & Tease and Chair essentials is more straight forward and are for those who really want to excel in a specific area of performance, be it for showcase or a solo! Or maybe you just want to learn a new style because every teacher has their own style and flare!
I asked fellow students about what their experiences with tech classes were and here is what Eleven and Rosie shared:
“What I love about tech class is they help build my technical skills without the pressure to remember a performance. It teaches me more about the possibilities of what fans can do and I love that learning aspect. Also a pretty great workout.” - Eleven
"I've really enjoyed learning to Fan Dance with Maple Rose. I'm excited to join her Fan Dance Tech classes this term to focus on finessing tricks and performance skills. Where we have spent time in class focusing on technique and tricks instead of choreo has helped me improve my overall dance experience and enjoyment of fan dancing." - Rosie Egan
(Jessica Wonderland, Winter Greene, Frenchie Holiday and Lola La Roux)
It’s important to know your body and what you want to gain from a technique class, have goals and HAVE FUN because there are so many amazing benefits that come along with it. Even if it means trying a few different ones with our casual passes!
To enrol for a tech class, Just head over to our enrolments page!