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4 Things to Know Before Your First Belly Dance Class
Looking to dip your toe into your first belly dance class? You may think the usual notes to remember are “bring a water bottle”, “arrive to class early”, “wear comfortable clothing” etc etc etc. It’s the same for every dance class! But what are you actually walking into with your first time in belly dancing?
Join Joanna on four essential items to think about when joining your first class in belly dancing that are sure to surprise you!

Getting to Know…Joanna!
For over 25 years, Joanna’s experience in the performing arts has led her to achieve proficiency in numerous dance forms outside of belly dance - including ballet, jazz, and musical theatre.
Joanna’s love of MENAHT (Middle Eastern, North African, Hellenic & Turkish) dance has thrusted her into the international realm, where she has performed on festival stages across France, Spain and Greece.